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All About SPURRITE Gemstones

Spurrite Meaning

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The word Spurrite for the gemstone is derived from its geological associations and mineral composition. The gem is named after one of the minerals it is composed of - Spurr. Spurrite gemstone was first discovered in the Spurr volcanic complex in Alaska, where it was given its name.

Spurrite Properties

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The physical characteristics exhibited by Spurrite makes it one unique gemstone. Spurrite colors include shades of purple - deep purple, pale pink, lavender, and white. The gemstone is typically translucent to transparent in nature with a glass-like luster. On Mohs hardness scale, Spurrite ranks between 3.5 to 4.5, making it a pretty soft gemstone as compared to others.

Spurrite Benefits

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Spurrite gemstone is believed to possess the healing qualities to promote relaxation, inner peace, and emotional balance. The gemstone is also known to soothe stress, anxiety, and protect one from negative emotions. Pairing this gemstone with Moonstone, can further enhance its metaphysical properties.

Spurrite Jewelry

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Jewelry made of Spurrite gemstone showcases intricate beauty and soothing colors. From ethereal pendants, necklaces, earrings to adorable rings and bracelets, Spurrite jewelry adds a touch of sophistication and refinement to any jewelry collection.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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1. Where is Spurrite Found?

Worldwide, metamorphic limestone deposits are the main source of spurrite; these deposits can be found, among other places, in South Africa, Mexico, Alaska (USA), Italy, and Russia.

2. Is Spurrite a Valuable Gemstone?

Although spurrite is prized for its particular beauty and rarity, its restricted supply and lower hardness make it generally less costly than more well-known gemstones.

3. Are there Different Varieties of Spurrite?

Indeed, Spurrite comes in a variety of forms distinguished by differences in color, transparency, and chemical makeup. In the gemstone industry, these variances could lead to different varieties or trade names.

4. Where Can I Buy Spurrite Gemstone Online?

Thinking of adding Spurrite Gemstone in your collection? GemstonesForSale is one of the best gemstone shopping stores for Spurrite Gemstone. Order your gemstones from there at a cost-effective rate.

5. What is the Spurrite Gemstone Price Per Carat?

The price per carat for the spurrite gemstone ranges from $15 to $50, depending on its quality, size, and colors.

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