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All About SPHENCE Gemstones


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This sphene stone can be found in different colors like green, brown, yellow, red, gray, blue, black, or chartreuse. The stone can sometimes be colorless too. On a Mohs hardness scale, the stone is ranked around 5-5.5. With a resinous luster, this stone sometimes comes with reddish-white streaks. The stone is transparent to translucent and is sometimes also considered opaque.

The price of sphene stones can be affected by factors like carat, weight, source of origin, and color.

Compared to Peridot, sphenes are a more affordable alternative.


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The stone can be found and mined in many locations. The locations where you can easily find this stone are Canada, Brazil, Afghanistan, China, Mexico, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, the USA, India, and Italy. Find the best quality rare green sphene lots at GemstonesforSale.


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The stone has many uses. You can use this stone in jewelry. It is an uncommon gemstone and will look really unique when you wear it in the form of rings, bracelets, pendants, or earrings. The stone can also be a really unique addition to your gemstone collection if you are an enthusiastic collector.


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Let's have a look at the sphene stone benefits. The stone is known to have great physical, emotional, and metaphysical healing properties. Here are a few sphene stone healing properties:

Physical healing properties

  • Helps in improving your vision
  • Helps to get rid of migraines and tension headaches.
  • Reduces all the tension and eases up nervous tension.
  • Removes toxins from your body
  • Boosts brain activity, speeds up the metabolic process, and grows one’s appetite.
  • Eases up tooth inflammation

Emotional healing properties

  • Helps you balance your emotions
  • Allows you to practice more self-love and also spread love.
  • Helps you stay organized with your thoughts

Metaphysical healing properties

  • Increases mental ability and one’s concentration power.
  • Helps in keeping people out of stress and taking better control of their emotions.
  • Eliminates all the negative energy that one might possess.
  • Improves one’s financial status
  • Helps one stay focused on their goals and achieve them.


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The care guide for this stone is pretty simple. The stone can be easily cleaned with some mild soap and lukewarm water. Always remember to pat the stone dry with a soft cloth. The stone must be protected from heat, acids, excessive sweat, and other gemstones. Since the stones are just a 5-5.5 on a Mohs hardness scale, you might want to store them separately from other gemstones.


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This was a little guide to your titanite stone. At GemstonesforSale, you’ll get the best quality of sphene for sale at amazingly affordable prices. We aim at providing you with the best wholesale crystal and stones that one can find.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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1. What color of sphene stone is valued the most?

Sphene stone can be found in various colors like yellow, green, brown, red, gray, black, etc. The most valued sphene is the one that is dark green in color. It is also known as the chrome sphene.

2. What is the meaning of the sphene gemstone?

The gemstone is believed to be an aid when the wearer is struggling to process some information. It helps in strengthening one’s mind and improving it.

3. Is sphene a rare gemstone?

Sphene is a rare gemstone, especially an eye-clean, smaller than 1 carat sphene gemstone.

4. What is the hardness level of a sphene gemstone?

The sphene gemstone is ranked around 5-5.5 on a Mohs hardness scale. It must be handled with a little extra care as it is prone to getting scratched easily and must not be stored with other gemstones.

5. What is the unique feature of the sphene gemstone?

The most unique feature of the sphene gemstone is its ability to be double refractive. The double refractoriness of a gemstone is said to be the gemstone’s ability to show two different rays when light is passed through it.

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