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All About SMOKY QUARTZ Gemstones

Smoky Quartz Meaning

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The term smoky quartz is derived from the unique color, which is reflective of haze or smoke. The word, 'smoky' refers to the gray-brown and blackish hue for the quartz crystal that is caused by natural irradiation. 

Smoky Quartz Properties

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Physical characteristics displayed by Smoky Quartz gem makes it a distinct gemstone. Smoky quartz colors include pale gray brown to deep black. The stone typically showcases transparency ranging from translucent to opaque, with a glass-like or vitreous luster. On Mohs hardness scale, smoky quartz ranks at 7, making it a durable gemstone. 

Smoky Quartz Benefits

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Smoky quartz possesses healing benefits of grounding and protective energies. It aids in promotion of emotional stability and helps in reducing stress and anxiety. Pairing up smoky quartz with other gems of the quartz family like Rose Quartz or Lemon Quartz can enhance its qualities further and help in providing a sense of self-confidence and empowerment to the wearer. 

Smoky Quartz Jewelry

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Jewelry made out of Smoky Quartz features rich colors. Different accessories like rings, pendants, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets set in silver, gold, or rose gold, add a touch of mystery and elegance. Looking to create mesmerizing jewelry pieces or add stunning gemstones to your collection? Explore our selection of Smoky Quartz available online at GemstonesForSale, your one-stop destination for beautiful gemstones at wholesale prices.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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1. Is Smoky Quartz a Birthstone?

Smoky quartz is considered an alternative gemstone for the month of November and offers a grounding energy to individuals.

2. What are the Different Varieties of Smoky Quartz?

Different types of smoky quartz are Cairngorm, Morion, and Brandberg Quartz. These varieties are a result of color saturation and some inclusions.

3. How can I Cleanse and Care for Smoky Quartz?

To clean smoky quartz gemstone, one can use methods of smudging with sage or placing it under water.

4. Where is Smoky Quartz Found?

Smoky quartz is found in various locations like Brazil, Madagascar, Switzerland, Scotland, and the United States.

5. What is Smoky Quartz Gemstone Price Per Carat?

The price per carat of smoky quartz gemstone ranges between $20 to $60. It depends on factors like market demand, its colors and patterns.

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