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All About JULY BIRTHSTONE Gemstones

What is the history of Ruby and Turquoise Birthstones?

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Ruby has existed for thousands of years, prized by ancient civilizations like the Burmese, who believed these could grant invincibility. In medieval times, rubies were thought to hold protective powers, especially against physical harm. The gemstone was also said to boost energy, vitality, and passion, making it a favorite among kings and queens. Ruby’s historical significance is also notable in its association with the sun, often regarded as a fiery symbol of life and light.

It is a favored gemstone in the world. Loved over the years for its deep rich red hue now synonymous with love, passion and vitality. This stone is well known for its intense color, admired by multiple cultures of antiquity. The Latin word ruber means red and is the source of the word ruby, since the word frankly fulfills the requirements of being a perfect description for this fiery gem.

In times past, rubies have been worn by those of royal blood as well as warriors, thought to help one gain power, strength and protection. Today ruby stone is a symbol of love and is used in Engagement rings as also in any other special occasion jewelry.


This gem has existed for an extremely long time. You may also tell us that this stunning rock has been used by humans for decades as a sort of self-adornment. There is evidence that ancient Egyptians utilized it in jewelry and ornaments as early as 3000 B.C.E.

Vibrant turquoise was valued by all human civilizations because of its profound spiritual and cultural meaning. The turquoise stones discovered in grave sites across the globe attest to their enduring significance.

Across continents, the history of turquoise persists. There is a noticeable affinity and respect for pre-Columbian Native American civilizations in the southwest region of the United States. Shamans incorporated it into sacred rituals because they thought it would let them communicate with the spirit of the sky. The Apache people wore these gemstones on their bows and later on their guns because they believed it to be accurate and forward-thinking.

Along the intriguing stones' journey from North to South America, turquoise was also used by Native Americans as a valuable item in trading routes.

Every other civilization closely associated with this stone, including the Aztecs, appreciated the stone's protective energy and used it to make ceremonial masks, knives, and shields.

Turquoise gemstone has a marvelous origin, the French phrase for which is 'Pierre turquoise,' and which perfectly translates as 'Turkish Stone.' The term refers to the commercial lines which entered Turkey from the jewel to Europe. And so they name the gem for that reason, it comes from Turkey.

It has also been highly prized because of its aesthetic value as well as its spiritual value and is extraordinarily elaborate in pendants and jewelry.

We adore this diamond today because it is beautiful and is a symbol. There exist great many stunning blue to transparent turquoise crystals. They also tend to be lighter hues and in the greenish blue range.

This veins might enhance the beauty of the stone. Being so smooth it naturally reduces and mild polished into a perfect polished dome shaped cabochon, which allows the beautiful natural beauty of its stone to be displayed.

What is the appearance of Ruby and Turquoise Birthstones?

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The most iconic feature of this stone is its brilliant red hue, ranging from deep crimson to lighter pinkish shades. Blood, the finest rubies are said to be, symbolizes the passion and, vitality. Under light these gems are very vibrant because of their transparency and natural luster.


The variety of blue and green hues seen in turquoise stone, a priceless piece of nature, astounds everyone. The best quality gems are invariably only a shade of deep blue, sometimes known as "robin's egg blue." Turquoise's array of blue and green hues is enough to astound anyone.

Further subdued hues and slightly greenish-blue tones go well with this gemstone, and you can also use other gems like aquamarine and moonstone to provide further variation. Another band of turquoise crystals is arranged in rows along this material, resembling a net.

These striking veins, which are caused by cleavages in the rock where the turquoise shape is found, may add to the stone's natural beauty.

Where are high-quality Ruby and Turquoise Gemstones found?

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Myanmar (formerly Burma) is the site of the finest rubies, highly prized for their bold rich red color. Thailand, Sri Lanka and Mozambique are other sources. It is very rare because of its gemstone, and its rich color is determined by trace elements, notably chromium.


Turquoise gemstones are common across the world and are essential to life, although they are frequently rare in damp regions. In the United States southwest, where Arizona and Nevada are renowned for their innovative blue hues, sodalite can be found in some of the deepest formations.

Iran and a few other significant suppliers are the places where these stones with a specific greenish-blue hue are extracted.

This adorable gem is also produced in Tibet, China, Chile, and Mexico. Rather, it's worth pointing out that some deposits of turquoise gemstones are, in fact, the result of copper mining!

Regarding these crystal gemstone's exterior characteristics, it is notable that its hue varies from shades of sky blue to greenish-green. It is categorized as one of the softest known diamonds due to its low Mohs hardness value of 5 to 6.

Interesting features within the stones are the primarily visible veins and the matrix of the gemstones.

Which Zodiac Sign is associated with Ruby and Turquoise Gemstones?

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The sign associated to this gemstone is Cancer. According to the energy of the ruby, it is said to help amplify innate qualities of passion, loyalty, emotional depth, in those born under the sign of Cancer. Their emotional energy is balanced by this gemstone and they have their intuition enhanced.


The sign in the zodiac that is most closely associated with these gemstones is Sagittarius. Heart sign Sagittarius is believed to gain tremendously from the uplifting energy of turquoise. Sagittarius is known for optimism, restlessness, and an adventurous spirit.

The gemstone can sometimes enhance Sagittarius' innate optimism and their ability to talk better. It is also seen as helping them to achieve their goals and handle difficult circumstances in life with greater ease.

What are the healing properties of Ruby and Turquoise birthstones?

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It’s believed that Ruby gemstone has healing powers. The opinion is that it boosts energy, vitality, and motivation—meaning that people who may be drained or can’t seem to stay motivated will benefit. The gemstone increases libido, enhances passion, boasts stimulating power on the circulatory system.


The gemstone is thought to support the tendency toward serenity and a fashionable temperament. The benefits of turquoise stone also protect the wearer from negative energies.

Physically Healing Characteristics:

  • It may reduce swelling and soreness.
  • It aids in respiratory issues.
  • It aids in the body's elimination of toxins.

Emotionally Restorative Qualities:

  • It greatly promotes your mental and emotional well-being.
  • It maintains your optimism and happiness.
  • It boosts one's confidence.

Metaphysical Healing Capabilities:

  • Shields you against harmful energies.
  • Enhances your psychic skills.
  • It keeps your head cool in tough times.

Which are the Ruby and Turquoise Gemstones?

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  • Burmese Ruby: Known for their superb color, these rubies are probably the best in the world.
  • Thai Ruby: While still very highly prized for their brilliance and clarity, Thai rubies are a lighter color.
  • Mozambique Ruby: The newer, often darker red, variety is highly regarded.


Essentially turquoise is available in a number of varieties, all with their own unique qualities and eye catching appeal. Here are a few typical types:

  • Sleeping beauty: The most valuable turquoise of all is believed to be Sleeping Beauty turquoise on account of its always rich, blue sky hue. It comes from the Sleeping Beauty Mine, now it's not operating in Arizona.
  • Kingman turquoise: Another very sought after type of turquoise is Kingman turquoise found in the Kingman mine in Arizona. It comes in a number of blue tones that can go with a black or brown matrix.
  • Bisbee turquoise: These stones from Arizona is very desirable, called Bisbee turquoise, for their vivid blue green color and matrix. Enhances beauty; this gem with amethyst or citrine.
  • Carico Lake Turquoise: Carico Lake Turquoise in Nevada has a nice abundance of light blue to a turquoise tint with an internet like matrix of golden through black.
  • Royston Turquoise: Interestingly, an interesting turquoise, royston turquoise is a turquoise to green turquoise with a matrix like the internet. Green to turquoise.

This is the Care Guide for Ruby and Turquoise Birthstones.

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Rubies have a 9 and so they are fairly durable, and can be worn every day. However, to keep them brilliant you want to avoid any harsh chemicals or extreme temperature changes. Somethings with rubies are cleanable with a soft cloth, and mild soap.


On the Mohs scale turquoise stone is soft (5–6). Keep it away from rougher stones or other household items so you don’t scratch it. Stay away from strong chemicals, such as bleach, chlorine and cleaning solutions. Stone can be changed how to look using even cleaning soap. If you clean it, you can use it using the damp, soft cloth.

Before putting the turquoise rings on apply them to prevent them reacting with lotions, perfumes or makeup.

To avoid damaging other jewelry, you'll should wrap your turquoise crystal in a soft material and keep it in a cool, dry place.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Can I wear Ruby or Turquoise daily?

Yes, both ruby and turquoise can be worn daily. However, rubies are more durable, while turquoise requires extra care to avoid scratches and maintain its appearance.

What is the best benefit of keeping Ruby or Turquoise with me?

The best benefit of keeping Ruby is its ability to enhance energy, passion, and strength, while Turquoise brings tranquility, protection, and promotes clear communication.

Which zodiac sign is associated with Ruby or Turquoise?

Ruby is associated with Cancer, while Turquoise is linked to Sagittarius. Each gemstone brings unique benefits tailored to these signs.

Is Ruby or Turquoise a good gemstone to gift someone?

Both gemstones make wonderful gifts. Ruby represents love and passion, while Turquoise symbolizes protection and healing.

Where should I keep Ruby or Turquoise in my home or office?

Ruby should be kept in places that require energy and vitality, such as a workspace, while Turquoise is perfect for calming areas like a meditation space or office to encourage clear communication.

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