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What Is The History Of Lapis Lazuli Birthstone?

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Lapis Lazuli stone has been used for as early as 6, 000 BC by ancient civilization. It was dear to such ancient civilizations as the Egyptians, Sumerians, and Greeks whose people of those times employed it in their crowns of kings and spiritual rituals.

Amulets, jewelry, etc., prepared containing this stone; the Renaissance ultramarine blue; the gemstone of power and protection.

What Is The Appearance Of Lapis Lazuli Birthstones?

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Lapis Lazuli is well known for its dark blue color which can be occasionally sprinkled with ‘star-like’ bits of pyrite. The high contrast of the shades of grey and the depth of the color is what makes the stone what it is.

  • Color: The finest quality for which Lapis Lazuli is in high demand is a royal and unified blue. The variations in the shade can be from a light blue to a rather dark blue verging on violet; the most valuable stones carrying the deepest and richest tinted shade possible.
  • Inclusions: Lapis lazuli usually has bits and pieces of Pyrite in it, giving the stone a silvery, golden shimmer. These inclusions are usually seen as positive making the stone even more intriguing and special. White calcite streaks are also present; however, if the stone contains an excess of calcite, the value of the gem is reduced.
  • Luster: The Luster of Lapis Lazuli is usually dull to greasy, when the stone has been polished it has this dull shiny texture.

What Are The Characteristics Of Lapis Lazuli Birstones?

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Lapis Lazuli is a unique gemstone with several notable characteristics that contribute to its appeal: 

  • Hardness: In terms of Hardness, Lapis Lazuli falls under 5-5 in the Mohs Scale. 5 which is softer than most of the gems that you are likely to find in the market. But it should be transported with caution, as when abraded it is also easily marred.
  • Composition: Lapis lazuli is both a mineral and a rock that occurs as a gemstone composed of the primary mineral lazurite often mixed also with calcite, and pyrite among others. Their ratios define the appearance of Lapis; some Lapis materials have a vibrant blue sheen and others have a rough structure.
  • Fracture: To fracturing, it usually has uneven to conchoidal fracture, which indicates that in cleaving, the cut surface may be curved conchoidally or unevenly.
  • Formation: Lapis Lazuli is found in metamorphic rocks through contact metamorphism, heat and pressure from a nearby magma alters the color of the rock to deep blue.

Where Are Authentic Lapis Lazuli Birthstones Found?

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Lapis accounts for a large part of Afghanistan’s lapidosities and has been the principal supplier of this gemstone for more than six thousand years. Those of the Badakhshan region of northeastern Afghanistan are the oldest mine sites and are even today producing some of the finest quality Lapis Lazuli.

  • Afghanistan: Badakhshan mines yield the best quality Lapis Lazuli of intense blue color with less calcite content and with abundant pyrite inclusions.
  • Chile: Get Lapis Lazuli from the Andes mountains in Chile and it gives the stone a lighter blue with more prominent calcite white streaks. Although it doesn’t carry the value of Afghan Lapis it is still considered to be one of the most beautiful stones in the world.
  • Russia: The Lake Baikal region of Russia also hosts the deposits of Lapis Lazuli, in which the blue is often solid and trains of lager pyrites can be seen.
  • United States: These include the California and Colorado deposits which are not currently very large and thus not very productive when compared to Afghanistan or Chile.

Which Zodiac Sign Is Associated With Lapis Lazuli Birthstone?

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Lapis Lazuli is most commonly associated with the astrology sign Libra (September 23–October 22). Since Libra people are people who like balanced, harmonious, and fair things Lapis Lazuli will help them to calm down and harmonize. 

Meditation with the stone is said to assist the Libras to amplify their skills of diplomacy, bolster the feelings of fair play, and help enforce the quest for knowledge as to the truth.

Moreover, Lapis Lazuli is sometimes connected with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius as this stone can help the owner to become wiser, to be honest, and to develop his/her intelligence, which are the features of Sagittarians, the people who are oriented to the Behavior and are eager to discover the spaces of Adventures.

What Are the Healing Properties of Lapis Lazuli Birthstone?

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Since ancient times, lapis lazuli is famous not only for the incredible shine of stones but also for therapeutic purposes. They are found in the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions, which makes Lapis Lazuli a precious stone of many desires.

Emotional Healing

  • The Lapis Lazuli is well reputed as a ‘Stone of Truth & Friendship’. 
  • They include; promoting open relationships, truth-telling, and having good relationships. 
  • It is also said to help in the treatment of stress, anxiety, and depression by bringing tranquility and a clear mind.

Physical Healing

  • Lapis Lazuli is believed to help with the throat, larynx, and vocal cords, that is why singers, speakers, and whoever needs a clear voice prefer this stone. 
  • They also have a reputation for enhancing the immune response and cleansing blood alongside problems with respiratory organs.

Spiritual Healing

  • So Lapis lazuli on a spiritual level is believed to be a crystal of enlightenment. 
  • Many believed in the power of its wearer to enhance spiritual insight, aid in being able to meditate better and align the individual with the higher planes of existence. 
  • The stone is also said to contribute to the ‘opening’ of the third eye, which in general means gaining more prevue and intervals.

What Is the Care Guide Of Lapis Lazuli Birthstone?

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To be precise, Lapis Lazuli is a very delicate stone and not so hard at all, also it may react to certain chemicals during the process of undergoing treatment. 

  • Cleaning: As for the Cleaning of Lapis Lazuli it can be cleaned with a piece of cloth wet in warm water. They must avoid exposing the stone to ultrasonic cleaners, steamers, or detergents that contain high acidic content since they can alter the façade of the stone. After washing, it is advised to wipe the surface of the stone with a piece of cloth that is also soft. 
  • Storage: Lapis Lazuli jewelry should be kept in a separate box with the other gemstones, which should avoid touching the stones because the luster may scratch them. They should be kept in a soft pouch or a lined jewelry box so that no harm can come to the stone.
  • Avoiding Damage: This blue goldstone stone of Lapis Lazuli is quite tough after but it is quite soft therefore it is easily scratched or chipped. One should not wear Lapis Lazuli ornaments while it is in conditions that will make them vulnerable to abrasive surfaces or powerful impacts. It is also necessary to avoid washing the stone for a very long time since this will cause the stone to lose its finish.
  • Re-polishing: Lapis lazuli may fade over time, and it is dependent on the encounter and the day-to-day usage of the product. In case the stone gets worn out, it has to be professionally recoated to regain its original appearance.
  • Adhering to these care guidelines will make your Lapis Lazuli jewelry maintain its deep blue beauty season after season, year after year.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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What sets Lapis Lazuli apart from all the other blue gemstones?

Other characteristics of earning stones such as Lapis Lazuli are their excellent deep-blue tint with golden pyrites conveying the impression of the star-freckled sky. In contrast with the majority of such stones, its color is not induced by the presence of admixtures or some special therapy.

How can I be sure that the Lapis Lazuli that is in my possession is authentic?

Natural Lapis Lazuli is usually characterized by a uniform dark blue color and the presence of small inclusions of gold Pyrite; the stone may vaguely reflect a low, slightly greasy sheen. It should also be cold to the touch and be slightly denser on account of the minerals it contains.

Is Lapis Lazuli suitable to be used for day-to-day use?

It can indeed be used as an everyday watch, and it does not look out of place; nevertheless, it needs to be treated with a certain amount of delicacy so as not to bang it and/or scratch it – and so it is better more suited to being an occasional wear/handbag watch.

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